Seawall Park whipped by the wind

A popular walking spot in Langley weathered some damages from last month’s severe windstorm.

A popular walking spot in Langley weathered some damages from last month’s severe windstorm.

Seawall Park, a small but scenic park near the water, sustained some damages to its walkway, creating gaping holes in places where sediment has caved in.

In addition, the shifted gravel has revealed some exposed tree roots, another challenge to traverse.

During a city council meeting Monday night, Langley citizen Victoria Locke pointed out the damages and asked when repairs would be made.

“It’s like an ankle-breaker down there,” she said.

Public Works Director Randi Perry responded that two different companies have assessed the damage, which includes the structure of the seawall itself.

The department will be looking to make some of those repairs in the next couple of weeks, she said. Some of the more treacherous areas are currently marked with cones to alert walkers.

In an email, Perry explained that the department will move forward with replacing the material and will monitor “future washout activity.”

“Capital funding was requested to conduct a thorough seawall conditions assessment, concrete stair restoration and hand railing installation, replacement of rotting pillars and railing and electrical work to restore lighting,” Perry wrote. “Funding was not allocated to the Parks Department for this work as requested for 2022.”

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