Letter: Are protesters a new brand of hippies?


In recent years, we have seen a resurgence of student activism on college campuses all across the country. From climate change rallies to Black Lives Matter marches, young people are raising their voices and demanding change like never before. But perhaps most reminiscent of the protests of the 1960s are the current college demonstrations against the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The protests against the war in Vietnam during the 1960s were a defining moment in American history. Young people took to the streets to express their outrage at the violence and bloodshed happening half a world away.

Today, we see a similar fervor in the college demonstrations against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Students are speaking out against the Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinian people, calling for an end to the violence and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Like the sixties war protests, these demonstrations are characterized by their passion, energy, and dedication to social justice.

The question on everyone’s mind is: What effect will these protests have on our upcoming elections? Will they inspire a new generation of voters who prioritize peace and justice? Will they push political candidates to take a stronger stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

It’s hard to say for certain, but one thing is clear: The youth vote is more powerful than ever before. Politicians ignore the demands of young people at their own peril. If the momentum of these protests continues to grow, we could see a shift in the political landscape towards more progressive, peace-oriented policies.

At the heart of these protests is a simple yet powerful message: War is never the answer. The students marching on college campuses across the country are united in their belief that violence only begets more violence and that the only path to true peace is through dialogue, understanding, and compassion.

The parallels between today’s protests and the ’60s war protests are striking. Both movements were driven by a deep-seated desire for justice and a determination to create a better world for future generations. The college Israeli-Palestinian protests are carrying on the legacy of the Vietnam war protests, showing that the spirit of activism and social change is alive and well in today’s youth.

Will this sprout a new brand of hippies? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: The students of today are not afraid to make themselves heard, and their voices will have a lasting impact on our society and our political landscape.

Bob Spitzer
