NWPRD starts roller hockey program

The North Whidbey Parks and Recreation District is sponsoring a roller hockey program for those 8 years old and up.

The North Whidbey Parks and Recreation District is sponsoring a roller hockey program for those 8 years old and up.

The group will meet 1-3 p.m. Sundays beginning Nov. 9 at the Roller Barn and will be under the direction of a professional coach.

The cost is $20 for the year.

Individuals will be divided into groups based on skill level. The goal is to eventually develop competitive teams.

NWPRD will provide helmets, leg pads, elbow pads and gloves; individuals must bring their own mouth guard, stick and skates.

Skates are not required to try out, according to NWPRD roller hockey director Marcy Neal.

For more information, contact Neal at Kneal223@msn.com, 360-6196 or 360-672-1952.