Bailey votes against a lot

“Barbara Bailey, one of the leaders of the pack of ultra-conservative Western Washington legislators, has one of the most astoundingly bad voting records in the state.

Some examples of her “out-of-touch” votes include: Against stem cell research; against expanding financial literacy through education and counseling to promote greater home ownership security; against banning high-hazard pesticides on school facilities; against the labeling of lead-containing products; against funding alternative energy; against funding renewable energy; against establishing the energy freedom program; against addressing the impacts of climate change through the growth management act; against requiring the use of high-performance green building standards in construction of public school buildings; against protecting shellfish in Puget Sound; against protecting orca whales from vessels; against enhancing oil spill protections; against increased reporting by clergy of child abuse; against prohibiting the sale of violent computer and video games to minors; against insuring victims of crimes; against requiring cyberbullying to be included in school district harassment prevention policies; against honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; against increasing access to baccalaureate programs in the state; against the creation of the Department of Early Learning; against scientifically accurate sex education information; against the importation of lower cost Canadian prescription drugs; against prescription drug consortiums to lower drug costs for seniors; against creating the Patient Safety Act; against granting the insurance commissioner authority to review individual health benefit plan rates; against establishing family and medical leave insurance; against expanding health care services for children; against performance audits to see if tax preferences based on job development actually resulted in jobs being created; against providing a property tax exemption for nonprofit small business incubators; and against restricting access to precursor drugs used to manufacture methamphetamine.

Bailey did vote for something though: She voted FOR privatizing Social Security.

These are but a few of Bailey’s regressive votes. It’s time for a change. We all deserve better representation in Olympia. All of the foregoing votes may be accessed at

Nels Kelstrom
