Oak Harbor post office made sure card was delivered | Letter

I want to thank our local postal workers for going the extra mile this Christmas. A Christmas card sent by a very old family friend was delivered to me without my full address. Someone at the post office took the time to look up the full address or knows local postal customers well enough that they can match the name with the correct address.


I want to thank our local postal workers for going the extra mile this Christmas. A Christmas card sent by a very old family friend was delivered to me without my full address. Someone at the post office took the time to look up the full address or knows local postal customers well enough that they can match the name with the correct address.

This is definitely going the extra mile when I thought that stamping the card “undeliverable” would be the norm.

The spirit of Christmas is alive and I am most grateful. Thank you, Oak Harbor Post Office!

Mary Williford

Oak Harbor