In response to Ann Gerike’s letter of March 17, I would like to suggest another perspective regarding the Crockett Barn. The Crockett Barn is central to encouraging and supporting community. The owners have shown incredible generosity by providing this beautiful gathering space to local not-for-profits. Other private events such as birthday parties, anniversary parties and weddings have been celebrated in this historic setting, all to attendees’ delight. This does not discourage rural character; rural character is all about community coming together. I often heard stories from my grandparents about barn gatherings in the reserve back in their day, the 20’s and 30’s. While some of the neighbors may prefer that the barn function with severe, and in my mind unreasonable, restrictions, I feel the good of the community at large is of utmost importance.
Ms. Spina has already remedied concern regarding traffic on the mutual driveway by putting in a new entry. She intends to plant hedgerows to buffer sound, and is agreeable to a pre-set decibel level that would protect the neighbors from unreasonable noise.
The owners should be congratulated for beautifully restoring a historic property. Secondary uses for old structures that no longer serve an agricultural purpose are important as these buildings will no longer grace our landscape if they cannot be utilized while simultaneously raising funds to help maintain them.
There is no other venue of this kind in Central Whidbey. We would be at a real loss without being able to hold local functions at the Crockett Barn.
And, no event should be required to shut down by 9 p.m.
Jan Pickard