League offers forums to help educate voters | Letter

With summer on Whidbey Island a fading memory, it’s time to pay attention to the candidates who are running for elected office and ballot measures that will be before us in the Nov. 4 general election.


With summer on Whidbey Island a fading memory, it’s time to pay attention to the candidates who are running for elected office and ballot measures that will be before us in the Nov. 4 general election.

Once again, the League of Women Voters of Whidbey Island will give the voting public a chance to meet the candidates, hear their positions and listen to their answers to challenging questions.

The League takes great pride in presenting forums with an objective, non-partisan format and considers it one of the most important services that we provide to our members and the community at large.

The League and the Sno-Isle Libraries will co-sponsor two forums this upcoming general election season:

The first one will be held 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8 at the ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Unitarian Universalist Church in Freeland and will feature the candidates running for Legislative District No. 10 representative, Position No. 2, Island County commissioner, District No. 3 and Island County treasurer.

Panels representing “yes” and “no” on Initiatives 594 and 591 are also planned.

The second one will be held 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16 at the Elks Club in Oak Harbor and will highlight the candidates running for United States representative for the Second Congressional District, 10th Legislative District representative, positions No. 1 and No. 2, Island County commissioner, District No. 3, Island County auditor and Island County treasurer.

Although written questions for the candidates will come from League members, the general public is invited to submit questions for our consideration through the contact page of our website at lwvwhidbey.org no later than Monday, Oct. 6.

Since there are so few opportunities to see both candidates vying for a position in person, we strongly urge Island County voters to attend one or both of these forums.

Joyce Peterson and Marshall Goldberg,
League of Women Voters,
Whidbey Island