Cartoon makes fun of serious journalist | Letter

I found the cartoon you selected and published on the opinion page of the Whidbey New-Times Saturday, Feb. 28, in extremely poor taste.


I found the cartoon you selected and published on the opinion page of the Whidbey New-Times Saturday, Feb. 28, in extremely poor taste.

Bill O’Reilly has the most popular cable news program on television, and he is a dedicated, experienced journalist, just as Brian Williams is.

To portray Mr. O’Reilly as a clown is demeaning and uncalled for. I have watched and listened to Mr. O’Reilly and Mr. Williams, both  dignified reporters, for many years, and any reference to Mr. O’Reilly as a clown certainly has a liberal slant by someone who has most likely never watched “The Factor,” Mr. O’Reilly’s news show.

He strives for the truth and fairness and invites guests with counter-opinions to offer theirs, unlike other news programs, so a viewer can get both sides of an argument or issue.

I would hope the editor makes a better cartoon selection next time.

Ed Hickey

Oak Harbor