Question of the Week: Should there be a mid-block crosswalk on East Whidbey Avenue, between State Highway 20 and Oak Harbor Street?

Question of the Week: Should there be a mid-block crosswalk on East Whidbey Avenue, between State Highway 20 and Oak Harbor Street?


Yes. There are older people that it would be safer and easier for them than going all the way up to the other crosswalks.

Phoebe McCracken,

Oak Harbor














Definitely. I drive through there daily and notice a lot of high school students crossing right there to go to Saar’s for snacks … Honestly, it would be safer for everyone.

Francisco Lepe,

Oak Harbor












“Absolutely, a cross there would be really helpful considering there’s the Boys and Girls Club and a senior care center right there and a bus stop. That’s dangerous.

Cathryn Wentworth,

Oak Harbor












“The city should just put one there anyway because then there would be less of a chance of people getting hit and it would be safer for the older people especially.”

Vicki Gillies,

Oak Harbor