They know who is making threats

Hello tea cuppers, and you folks that are oblivious. I mean you, the ones that are threatening our elected officials, hello! As someone with personal knowledge on the subject, there is a little place in Baltimore that can determine within seconds the phone number, and in most cases location, time sent, who owns the phone or where it was purchased, even if it’s a phone you bought at a 7/11.

Hello tea cuppers, and you folks that are oblivious. I mean you, the ones that are threatening our elected officials, hello!

As someone with personal knowledge on the subject, there is a little place in Baltimore that can determine within seconds the phone number, and in most cases location, time sent, who owns the phone or where it was purchased, even if it’s a phone you bought at a 7/11.

And of course your email or Web adventures are also accessible to anyone who wants to know what you are up to (I helped develop software that did just that). We could tell where you surfed and what you looked at, etc., within seconds. It’s all out there folks in the ether.

Mankind designed the protocols and telephony and mankind knows how to crack it. If you threaten a government employee as some of you have, you’d better get your affairs in order because if warranted you will be paid a visit by some unhappy folks and, trust me, federal prison is not as fun as a day in jail for getting caught with a bag of weed.

You have been informed.

Roland Shaak
