Volunteers give fair its heart

As the dust from the first-ever Whidbey Island Area Fair settles in the arena, the vendor tents vanish and the barns empty, thanks are due to the many, many folks who made our 88th fair a success.

As the dust from the first-ever Whidbey Island Area Fair settles in the arena, the vendor tents vanish and the barns empty, thanks are due to the many, many folks who made our 88th fair a success.

By whatever name, our fair is a place for friends, neighbors and complete strangers to congregate, chat, gorge themselves on uniquely-fair food, enjoy the weather, the animals, the kids, live entertainment … the pervasive atmosphere that reflects our community talents, output and energy. The odor of BBQ smoke wafting through the fairgrounds didn’t hurt, either.

Island County Fair Association volunteers are simply too numerous to count, and are integral to the fair. No volunteers? No parade on Saturday, no ticket sellers at the gate, no Fiddle Faddle Farm activities, no still life exhibits, no animals, no log show, no 4-H livestock sale … and the list is endless.

Special thanks are due to Island Thrift in Oak Harbor for contributing the premium money awarded to our exhibitors this year. Les Schwab Tire Centers, Whidbey Coffee and Nichols Brothers Boat Builders also made donations for which we are grateful, and many of our island businesses and citizens gave in-kind and monetary contributions that helped to improve the fair experience for all.

2012 FAIRtastic is history. Please share your impressions and help us improve next year’s fair by taking our brief survey at https://wwwsurveymonkey.com/s/2012whidbeyfair

There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. We can always use more!

Sandey Brandon

WIAF Administrator