Be objective with school levy coverage | Letters

Let me see if I can get my impression of how you are going to handle this school levy issue fairly. If I am for the levy and send you a letter — whammo — published, bronzed and the parade begins. If I send in a letter with facts and figures I would like justified before forming an opinion — whammo — in the trash bin.

Let me see if I can get my impression of how you are going to handle this school levy issue fairly.

If I am for the levy and send you a letter — whammo — published, bronzed and the parade begins.

If I send in a letter with facts and figures I would like justified before forming an opinion — whammo — in the trash bin.

Ahh! Journalism at its best. Do not disturb the masses with facts and figures but go with the “it’s for the kids” route.

As President Reagan is quoted as saying — “Mr. Grobachev tear down this wall” — I would say Whibey News-Times be objective.



Jim Pace
Oak Harbor