Government sneaky about raising taxes | Letter to the Editor

Federal, state and local governments have a new and sneaky way of raising taxes. First, create a pressing need for vital services. An example may be law enforcement or criminal justice. This need is often created by under-funding a vital service over many years.


Federal, state and local governments have a new and sneaky way of raising taxes.

First, create a pressing need for vital services. An example may be law enforcement or criminal justice.

This need is often created by under-funding a vital service over many years.

Second, stage public meetings to verify this need. Example — a sheriff or prosecutor explaining how his department cannot function properly without more money.

Third, the government legislators, for example, the county commissioners, now have to cry that there is just no money to meet these pressing needs.

Of course not, you spent it on some non-essential services, usually to win votes from some of their electorate.

Fourth, “but,” say the legislators, “we must raise the money, and the only way to do that is to have a referendum on a special levy.”

What a good way of supporting a vital service, without raising taxes — the commissioners didn’t do it, the voters did.

I support the need for “law and justice.” These are two very basic functions of government and have been ever since government was invented. They should be funded adequately and steadily by my basic tax rate.

How did we ever arrive at a point where 32 new people are required in the sheriff’s office? Sounds to me like our government is not working properly.

Ed Schoenharl