Googling Bill Burnett

For the past 12 years, off and on, I have read the “Letters” section of the Whidbey News-Times. Some of the letters I agree with, some I don’t. Some I’ve considered writing my view of response to, others, not so much. However, through the years, I have noted a constant.

For the past 12 years, off and on, I have read the “Letters” section of the Whidbey News-Times. Some of the letters I agree with, some I don’t. Some I’ve considered writing my view of response to, others, not so much. However, through the years, I have noted a constant. That being an opinion from William Burnett. And, through the years, I have wondered just exactly who Mr. Burnett is. So, this time, I “Googled” him. I found where he lives, what his phone number is, where he works, that he’s contributed to a specific political party, that he has run for city council and the school board, and that he served in the military. But what is interesting, is, nowhere did I find Mr. Burnett to be in any way affiliated with home schooling or in particular, HomeConnection.

By his letter of Oct. 14 (“Clover Valley could be magnet school”) one would think Mr. Burnett is a SME (subject matter expert) on such things, home schooling that is. While I do not claim to be a SME, I do have seven years’ experience home schooling, and two years experience with HomeConnection. I do know that this is just his opinion, because I also know he didn’t talk to anyone at HomeConnection about his ideas regarding HomeConnection. Additionally, I doubt he discussed his ideas for CVE, OHHS and HomeConnection together with anyone affiliated with the school district. I really don’t think he has any idea why parents home school (there are many), and I really don’t think he has any idea what HomeConnection is about. My opinion.

While I value the right to free speech (I’m exercising mine), I really wish people wouldn’t speak so authoritatively about issues they really aren’t educated on. While his thoughts ring true to him, and I’m sure others, they do not ring true to the spirit of home schooling or the philosophy of HomeConnection and its place within the school district.

But you know, thank you for your thoughts Mr. Burnett. I look forward to reading more from you. And I’m sure, you’ll have a response for this. (Any takers that Mr. Burnett will be “Googling” me?)

Peggy Hickinbotham

Oak Harbor