This candidate is uniquely unqualified

I personally hope that the status quo of politics finds a new level this election day, a level never before imagined. I feel that America needs it to recover. The government needs to fear the voters for a change.

I personally hope that the status quo of politics finds a new level this election day, a level never before imagined. I feel that America needs it to recover. The government needs to fear the voters for a change.

I will admit openly that I am an unabashed conservative and hope that the liberal-progressives currently in power suffer a resounding electoral defeat the likes none of us have seen in our lifetimes. To that end, I feel I must point out a hanger-on, one who should not under any circumstances, be swept into office by the rising tide of the coming election. That person is running for the Island County Clerk position and her name is Carol Ann Fortune.

I vote all non-legislative races without the bias of political party because I want the most qualified person to hold the office. That is the way we elect judges and it usually works very well. Political affiliation in these offices is akin to lipstick on a pig and that’s the way it should be. I believe Carol Ann Fortune is uniquely unqualified for this position and should be given no consideration as such. I believe she would be a disaster for this county due to her unique lack of qualification for this position.

Ask yourself, would you vote her into the Superior Court position? She’s as qualified for that as she is county clerk.

Ignore political affiliation and vote for Deputy Clerk Debra Van Pelt in November.

Scott Smith

Oak Harbor