Painted rock phenom a welcome distraction | Letter

With all of the horrible things happening in the world and all the political mudslinging these days I’m happy to see families out and about on treasure hunts looking for these little stones.


I just recently found out about these painted rocks being found all over town and apparently the whole island.

People have been leaving them in stores, yards, and on the beach. I think it’s great.

With all of the horrible things happening in the world and all the political mudslinging these days I’m happy to see families out and about on treasure hunts looking for these little stones.

In the grand scheme of things this may be a small distraction but I think it’s important to remember why we fight so hard to stop bad things from happening.

This, this is why — so that we can see more of the beauty, laughter and love. Well done, Whidbey residents, well done!

Amity Dietz

Oak Harbor

Editor’s note: Here’s the link to our July 20 Whidbey News-Times article on this painted rock phenomenon sweeping Whidbey, Also, people have taken to posting some of their painted rock finds on our Facebook page at