A wise man once said, “A person is known by his friends and associates.” As you go through life, this is born out in those you come in contact. A person tends to associate with those who have similar outlooks on life and similar hobbies. When I was in the Navy, you could see this in the way the members of each squadron I was attached to fulfilled this old statement. Some of us were involved with the sport teams each squadron had. Some were into fishing, and every moment of free time was spent fishing or talking about the new boat. There were a couple of die hard race car fans, complete with their own cars.
With this being said, what does that say about the presidential race this year. The two main contenders are vastly different in numerous ways. Senator McCain, has associated with those in both parties to make alliances and pass legislation and bring change. In some cases it has been but in other I feel he has missed the mark. That being said, he still has been the agent of change in many of the bills and laws that have come out of the US Senate.
Senator Obama on the other hand, while he has continued to talk about change has done nothing to bring about any changes in his short time in the US Senate. So look at his associations he has had. His launch into politics was with a friend who was an anti-American terrorist who became a hard socialist revolutionary professor in one of our colleges. His spiritual advisor and mentor, or so he said, for 20 years was another extremists with anti-American leanings who called for the damnation of the United States. His own wife, according to his statements has many problems with her feeling about the United States, and the Stars and Stripes that represent this great nation. Barack Hussein Obama has problems saying the pledge of allegiance and at times does not even show proper respect for the flag and our National Anthem.
If you are known by your associates what does this say about Barack Hussein Obama? Does he love this nation and support it or is he like those who have bombed and damned it that he has associated with.
In a poll done by the military papers, Army Times, Navy Times, etc. almost 70 percent of the troops answering the survey, support Senator McCain and not Obama. Maybe they know something from his associations the rest of the voting population of the United States should know. Obama is not to be trusted. He is the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate by his voting record and his socialist proposals for this country will take from those who have to give to those who do not have, “spread the wealth.” His proposed taxes will destroy our economy and put us into an even worse economic down turn.
So think twice before you vote for Barack Hussein Obama.
Joseph Moreland
Oak Harbor