Leave musket shooting to others | Letters

Mr. Marv Klein (letter to editor, Jan. 26), you are absolutely correct, the Second Amendment is about national security. The writers of the constitution were fearful of a strong central government riding roughshod over the citizens and foreign invaders. Maintaining national security means defending against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Second Amendment affirms a God-given right that preexisted the Constitution to defend my life against any aggression, therefore it is the most personal right of all.


Mr. Marv Klein (letter to editor, Jan. 26), you are absolutely correct, the Second Amendment is about national security. The writers of the constitution were fearful of a strong central government riding roughshod over the citizens and foreign invaders.

Maintaining national security means defending against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Second Amendment affirms a God-given right that preexisted the Constitution to defend my life against any aggression, therefore it is the most personal right of all.

The words “the people” have the same meaning as they do in the first. I’m not going to defend myself, neighborhood/business or country with a single shot musket. I’ll leave that to you.

Ron Hewitt
Oak Harbor