Why make moonshine legal?

I have been thinking about the story about legal distilleries in Washington for almost a month and it is still very troubling to me. I was an alcoholic for 30 years between 20 and 50 years old. I learned about health and nutrition to beat the problem, plus mind games that I made up myself. Alcohol and sugar are both addictive and to encourage moonshining is beyond my thinking.

I guess if we legalize drugs there were be classes on how to grow poppies, etc., and how to make meth and all the other illegal drugs.

Understanding that all this information is probably on the Internet, why promote alcohol making usage? From what I have heard most everyone in our prison system is there due to use of drugs and alcohol. To say nothing of all the murders and gun deaths, guns don’t kill but the “messed up” people that use them cause disasters.

Wine coolers, vodka with some kind of juice and flavored brandy were the insidious “drinks” that kept me “going” the last 10 years of my drinking career. Probably cost me millions with the bad investments and employment decisions I made.

Just some more nails in the coffin of the degeneration of our society, along with anything goes in movies, TV, video games, sports, etc.

Don Conrad
