Not the time to raise household expenses | Letters

I am a resident and landlord on Whidbey Island and I feel this is just not the right time to be increasing household expenses. If voters approve the Whidbey General Hospital bond it will increase real estate taxes on my home and three rental properties which are my primary source of income. I will have no choice except to raise the rent, which will be a hardship for my renters.


I am a resident and landlord on Whidbey Island and I feel this is just not the right time to be increasing household expenses.

If voters approve the Whidbey General Hospital bond it will increase real estate taxes on my home and three rental properties which are my primary source of income. I will have no choice except to raise the rent, which will be a hardship for my renters.

We just came out of a long recession where many of us had to help our children financially.

Many employees at the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station were furloughed as part of a government shutdown and unless we have a quick resolution to this, everyone will be affected.

In addition, these are uncertain times for hospital funding with the Affordable Care Act coming in 2014. We need time to find out how the hospital will be impacted by this act.

I was a patient at WGH and was very happy with the care given and appreciate the staff who work there.

As a resident, I want to continue to have a hospital in Coupeville.

I have read the letters to the editor opposing the bond and I believe these letters raise important questions that have not been addressed by the hospital board.

Please vote “no” on the bond until we know if there are better choices available to give the residents the health care they need and can afford.

Right now, we cannot afford this bond.

Colleen Parhaniemi
