Montmeny, Hargarten-Wolfe to marry

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hargarten of Oak Harbor announce the engagement of their daughter, Tracy Hargarten-Wolfe, to Pablo Montmeny. Both are graduates of Oak Harbor High School.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hargarten of Oak Harbor announce the engagement of their daughter, Tracy Hargarten-Wolfe, to Pablo Montmeny. Both are graduates of Oak Harbor High School.

Hargarten has been employed as a dental hygienist with Dr. Kirk Kallander in Oak Harbor for nine years.

Montmeny is an international produce salesman for Townsend Farms in Fairview, Ore.

Hargarten has two sons, Samuel Wolfe, a freshman at Eastern Washington University, and Jaxon Wolfe, a junior at Oak Harbor High School. Montmeny has two daughters, Emma Montmeny, a freshman at Davis High School in Yakima, and Audree Montmeny, a sixth-grader at Riverside Christian School in Yakima. The wedding is planned for April 28, 2012 at the Salish Lodge in Snoqualmie.