Democrats should lose their jobs

How delightful that in the very same month that the unemployment rate began to go up again, the Democrats started pointing fingers about who “drove the car into a ditch.”

How delightful that in the very same month that the unemployment rate began to go up again, the Democrats started pointing fingers about who “drove the car into a ditch.” Apparently Democrats hope we won’t notice that their hands were firmly on the wheel at the time. The economy was doing just fine, after all — until Democrats took control of Congress. Perhaps someone should tell the Democrats that when you point a finger of blame, three more are pointing back at you.

Sen. Patty Murray, for instance, is using attack ads to mask her utter lack of accomplishment during her two decades in the Senate. She actually brags in these ads about her ability to ladle barrels of pork into our state. Her pork goes to benefit just a few of her favored groups like unions and government employees, but every hard working taxpayer will be trying to pay off her wasteful spending for generations to come.

Since Democrats like Sen. Murray, Congressman Rick Larsen and Commissioner John Dean seem unconcerned about and unwilling to listen to either the voter or the taxpayer, perhaps the voters can get their attention this November by sending them to join the ranks of the unemployed they have worked so hard to grow!

Jeff Adams
