Very proud of church’s lunch ministry team | Letters

A few weeks ago, the Whidbey News-Times did an article on homelessness here on Whidbey Island. Toni MeMaggio shared that he is giving out sack lunches to the needy every Friday and Saturday. He forgot to mention that the sack lunches are provided by Whidbey Presbyterian Church.


A few weeks ago, the Whidbey News-Times did an article on homelessness here on Whidbey Island.

Toni MeMaggio shared that he is giving out sack lunches to the needy every Friday and Saturday. He forgot to mention that the sack lunches are provided by Whidbey Presbyterian Church.

Our sack lunch ministry strives to provide good, wholesome lunches that are meant to last two days. The meals include beverages, fruits, snacks and sandwiches.

At Easter and Christmas, we have been able to include $20 food certificates to a local grocery store. All of this is funded entirely by church parishioners. I’m very proud of the teams of people who make these lunches every Friday morning.

We are limited by the amount we can make due to refrigerator space and are grateful that Toni and My Father’s House Thrift Store participate in the program.

We could not do this without their help.

Deacon C. Chaplin

Whidbey Presbyterian Church

Oak Harbor