Imagine a different world

What would it be like? Fair, equally distributed real estate tax. $30 car tabs as requested by the taxpayers. No Safeco field as mandated by the taxpayers. The two biggest special interest groups (Republicans and Democrats) relegated to the sidelines.

What would it be like? Fair, equally distributed real estate tax. $30 car tabs as requested by the taxpayers. No Safeco field as mandated by the taxpayers. The two biggest special interest groups (Republicans and Democrats) relegated to the sidelines.

Independent Americans without party affiliations electing our representatives. Only contributions from people eligible to vote legal for campaigns. No lobby money, gifts, dinners or trips for politicians. No more earmarks. A balanced-budget amendment.

Employers hiring illegal aliens jailed. Illegal aliens deported and denied ever gaining U.S. citizenship. No subsidies for not producing. Before money is spent abroad, our own ill-educated, sick, needy and destitute taken care of. Legalized marijuana. Term limits. Fraud, corruption and waste vigorously expunged in government. Legal immigration drastically reduced and no state forced to accept new citizens.

No IRS, a flat tax. Health care for all. Higher education for all. No foreign dependency on energy needs. No user fees for camping, hiking, etc. on our national and state lands open to the public. Nuclear energy’s true cost exposed. All cleanup of nuclear waste completed. No business too big to fail. No more white-collar prisons. Government layoffs equal to private industry layoffs. Are we comfortable tapping into the private sector so the public sector can be unaffected?

Jerusalem an open city and no more settlements in the west bank.

Now isn’t this food for thought!

Richard Johnson
