Organization was misrepresented by story | Letters

I read the April 26 paper looking for some clarification of your front page article on April 23, but didn’t find any. I wish Janis Reid had done some research before the story about Summit Assistance Dogs was published.


I read the April 26 paper looking for some clarification of your front page article on April 23, but didn’t find any.

I wish Janis Reid had done some research before the story about Summit Assistance Dogs was published.

All she had to do was visit to learn Summit Assist Dogs is a nonprofit founded in 2000 to provide highly trained mobility, hearing and therapy dogs for people with disabilities. It is not a business or “commercial or income producing” facility.

They provide a wonderful service for people who really need the help. I would be proud to have them move into my neighborhood.  Their dogs are better behaved than some people I know.

Karen Bess

Oak Harbor