I found your story on the “Medical Revolution” on May 14 fascinating:
“The company describes its product as “drug signal therapy,” dealing with the unique photon fields of molecules. The end result, states a news release, is a therapy “that promises to transform the treatment of diseases, including those for which there are no known cures, like brain cancer.” In enables drugs to penetrate the brain-blood barrier and deliver therapeutic agents.”
The discovery of “drug signal therapy” and the “bio-photon fields” of molecules are both based upon the Zero Point Field and has revolutionary scientific, spiritual and religious significance.
As one who followed the Wiccan Pagan path and as a Christian minister, I don’t think the contemporary church is even remotely prepared to deal with this and its implications. Space does not allow me to discuss this here. I refer readers to my “Paradigm Now” page on my Web site Vinenbranches.com. My heart’s cry is “Wake up Oh Church!”
Scott D. Scrimshaw
Vine and Branches
Oak Harbor