Veteran thankful for Coupeville’s appreciation | Letters

Saturday my dad, Walter Nelson, participated in the annual Memorial Day Parade for the first time. He was so impressed with the appreciation and countless “thank you Walters” he received from the crowd as his car preceded through the parade. Dad looked at me with a tear in his eye said, “thank you for bringing me, I’ve never felt so appreciated.”


Saturday my dad, Walter Nelson, participated in the annual Memorial Day Parade for the first time.

He was so impressed with the appreciation and countless “thank you Walters” he received from the crowd as his car preceded through the parade.

Dad looked at me with a tear in his eye said, “thank you for bringing me, I’ve never felt so appreciated.”

My dad, a retired 26 year Navy Senior Chief Radioman, participated in World War II, Korea and Vietnam wars. He was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal when his torpedo plane, a TBD Devistator, was the final blow in the sinking of the first Japanese aircraft carrier in WWII.

The term “Scratch One Flat Top!” was radioed in by LCDR Bob Dixon as the Imperial Navy’s Shoho slipped below the waves.  The next day, his own aircraft carrier was sunk causing him to jump overboard an await rescue. My dad wants us all never to forget Memorial Day for the “ultimate sacrifice” of our men and women have given, to defend our country.



Walter Nelson

Oak Harbor

