WhidbeyNewsTimes.com got a facelift recently which has allowed it to offer a host of simplified and streamlined features.
“Everything we’ve introduced is geared toward personalizing your experience and during the next few weeks, we’ll show you how you can get the most from our site,” said Marcia Van Dyke, publisher of the News-Times.
The first thing you’ll need before you can access all our new features is a profile on our site—check out the video above for a step-by-step guide.
“We’ve made it incredibly easy,” Van Dyke said. “You can either sign up with us, or you can use one of your existing accounts, such as Facebook, Yahoo! and many more. By signing up with an account you already have, you bypass the need to remember another password on another site.”
You can create a profile for yourself and for your business or organization, where several people can have access to one account.
Everything on the site is run through your profile, so once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to comment, post to our new calendar, share media and much more. Our “community stream,” on our home page, will update when you do something new, meaning you can act as your own community news source (of course, you can turn this off if you prefer).
Visit http://pnw.cc/whidbeysignup to sign up for an account and get started.