Bristol Palin cartoon appalling

Your cartoon in the May 22 edition featuring Bristol Palin proclaiming her son a “mistake” and a money maker was appalling. No matter where you stand politically, this was insulting to all young single mothers everywhere and in every way.

Your cartoon in the May 22 edition featuring Bristol Palin proclaiming her son a “mistake” and a money maker was appalling. No matter where you stand politically, this was insulting to all young single mothers everywhere and in every way.

It is not illegal to receive a fee for speaking engagements and if you had something that anyone was interested in hearing, I dare say, you would not work for free. There are many young women in our community faced with the very difficult decision regarding unplanned pregnancy. Your label of a baby as a “mistake” benefits no one.

Would you prefer that Bristol quietly collect welfare to provide for her child, instead of making speeches that may help other young women either prevent the same situation or help them through it? Or perhaps if her speech was glorifying the abortion she had chosen instead to correct such a “mistake,” you would have drawn your cartoon in a praising manner?

Wanda Hofkamp

Oak Harbor