Navy man cancels subscription

I am active duty military serving overseas. I own property in Oak Harbor, and I have seen the comments by Caralyn Haglund that the Whidbey News-Times published. The approach that WNT has taken is unacceptable. I have canceled subscriptions to WNT and I am urging the plethora of active duty Navy that serve with and for me to do the same. Contrary to Caralyn Haglund’s comments, I pay a significant amount of Island County and Oak Harbor specific taxes. Supporting those comments are not selling newspapers for an establishment that is hanging by a thread.

I am active duty military serving overseas. I own property in Oak Harbor, and I have seen the comments by Caralyn Haglund that the Whidbey News-Times published. The approach that WNT has taken is unacceptable. I have canceled subscriptions to WNT and I am urging the plethora of active duty Navy that serve with and for me to do the same. Contrary to Caralyn Haglund’s comments, I pay a significant amount of Island County and Oak Harbor specific taxes. Supporting those comments are not selling newspapers for an establishment that is hanging by a thread.

James Cleck
Oak Harbor