Camp Casey swim lesson registration now open

Registration is now open for summer swimming lessons at Camp Casey Pool.

Registration is now open for summer swimming lessons at Camp Casey Pool.

Two-week sessions will be taught June 20-Aug. 26.

Lessons cost $49 per session. The Coupeville Lions Club will provide scholarships for those who qualify.

The pool opens June 17 and is open from noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, closed Sunday.

General admission to the pool costs $4 per swimmer ages 5 and older; children 4 and younger are free.

Swim punch cards cost $30 for 10 punches.

Private pool rentals cost $130 an hour.

The pool is located at the Camp Casey Conference Center, a half-mile north of the Keystone Ferry Terminal.

Call 866-661-6604 or visit for more information.