This is important for anyone who is currently collecting Social Security or Supplemental Security Income.
These are people with disabilities who are working part-time. As of Jan. 1, I have noticed that the Mount Vernon office of Social Security is drastically cutting people’s checks. The reason for this seems grossly inaccurate and just plain wrong. My son Ryan was cut down to about $115 per month for no good reason.
From what I can figure out, the Social Security office is making up figures for their estimates of income for the month until those wages from income is verified. This is done routinely, but, the estimates should be an average of what that person is making each month. If there is no change in income, there should not be a gross increase in their estimates of income for that month. This is exactly what has happened. Social Security is increasing the estimated income so that they can cut the amount that that person should get.
We have called Social Security, and gone to the Mount Vernon office twice. We gave them a year’s worth of verification of income, which they will not return to us. They also said we have to repay income from the gross estimated income they said Ryan is making. I found out tonight that another local person is also a victim of this new Social Security estimates. This is hundreds of dollars more than the person actually makes. Please write letters, call your congressman, send emails to newpapers and newscasters to get this word out. We have to force Social Security to stop stealing from these people who want to work but need the Supplemental Security Income that they deserve.
Jill Hagar
Oak Harbor