Likes newspaper’s positive changes | Letters

Since you have a new executive editor and publisher on board I have noticed a vast improvement in the way the local news is now reported and printed. I am a local resident and have read the Whidbey News-Times for most of my residency here, but noticed that it was losing my interest in the past few months.


Since you have a new executive editor and publisher on board I have noticed a vast improvement in the way the local news is now reported and printed.

I am a local resident and have read the Whidbey News-Times for most of my residency here, but noticed that it was losing my interest in the past few months.

But, undaunted as I am, I continued to purchase each issue.

Now we have better coverage and more pictures, interesting stories and editorials, and lots of local news being presented in such a fashion that it’s much easier to read.

Thank you-thank you to the person/persons who brought about this change.

Connie White
Oak Harbor