I attended the Whidbey General Hospital board meeting. At this meeting a presentation was made by the Capella Group, a for-profit medical corporation with a slick presentation. They spoke to a packed room of voters and staff, many of whom were clearly upset at the timing, most suggesting deliberate intent on the part of the Capella Group to derail the success of the bond drive. The one almost unanimous response from the audience was disbelief at Capella’s litany of promises.
I came away convinced that our hospital board has no intention of selling our community hospital to any for-profit group (the roll call of the board following the presentation was unanimously “no” to Capella). The board members seemed dismayed and angry at the tactics and information presented, but felt they had no choice when Capella requested this meeting date.
I also came away convinced that we have a gem of a hospital on this Island that we must support if we want to continue to experience the high caliber of care currently available, remarkable for a community hospital as small as ours. As we age, chances are good that nearly every one of us will spend some time in one of the beds at WGH. I’m counting on experiencing the healing benefits of a single room with updated equipment and facilities. I’m voting “yes” on the hospital bond!
Linda Morris