Gay rights bill deserves support

I am appalled that some supposedly intelligent religious people are against Bill SSB 5336. This bill would allow same sex people to be with their mates in hospitals in times of critical illness and to participate in the making of end of life decisions.

How could anyone deny a gay couple this right? It is a human right and this participation in no way would hurt anyone. When I read last December that Kate Fleming’s mate of 10 years, Charlene Strong, had to go through the hell of watching her loved one dying and not being able to freely spend every last moment with her, truly broke my heart.

I now put this to Karl Rove, Pat Robertson and every other homophobic member of the “so called religious right.”

I am the proud mother of a gay daughter who is a loving, wonderful, talented human being, and, I will speak out for her and all gay people until I can speak no longer.

Let me close with this prayer: “Please God protect us from some of Your followers.”


Diana L. Buzard
