Coupeville pumpkin race fun to come Sunday

Coupeville’s first annual Great Pumpkin Race hits the streets of downtown Coupeville at 2 p.m. Sunday on Alexander Street between Coveland and Front streets.

Winning this year’s Great Pumpkin Race requires not only ingenuity, but also precision.

“We learned last year that the smaller pumpkins do best,” said Vickie Chambers, executive direcotr of the Coupeville Historic Waterfront Association. “And the axels have to be as straight as can be.

“That’s the key, otherwise you end up doing 360s and go all over the place.”

Coupeville’s first annual Great Pumpkin Race hits the streets of downtown Coupeville at 2 p.m. Sunday on Alexander Street between Coveland and Front streets.

More than two dozen people participated in last year’s races, bringing creative designs and festively decorated racers.

“We loved all the decorated pumpkins,” Chambers said.

Awards will be given out for the fastest racer, best crash, best decoration and most innovative design.

“Really the only rule is the axel has to go through the pumpkin,” Chambers said.

It doesn’t matter the size of the axel. Some people make them. Others even used the axels off a skateboard.

“We had some four inch wheels that worked pretty well last year,” Chambers said. “We’ve tried different sized wheels and the smaller ones also seem better.”

Winners will receive special trophies and bragging rights.

“We’re being very creative with our trophies this year,” Chambers said.

For contest rules, go to





