Oak Harbor lists top road needs

Projects to improve the intersection of Highway 20 at Pioneer Way and widening the highway from there to Swantown Avenue are the top transportation priorities for the city of Oak Harbor.

Each year, the city has to adopt a six-year Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP. The list of projects, organized by priority, outlines future road work and other transportation-related projects.

The top projects for the next six years are:

1. Highway 20 from Pioneer Way to SW Erie Street. The $150,000, safety-related project includes adding turn lanes and realigning the intersection. Funding is secure for the work; it’s scheduled to begin Jan. 1, 2006.

2. Highway 20 improvements from Beeksma Drive to SW Swantown Avenue. The $6.2 million project includes right-of-way acquisition, widening, intersection improvement, sidewalks and a retaining wall. The funding has not been determined. It’s scheduled to begin June 1, 2009.

3. Oak Harbor pier construction. The $7 million pier will be built at the end of SE Dock Street. Construction is scheduled to begin June 1, 2007, but funding is not secure.

4. Oak Harbor bay trail east. The $250,000 project will include easement acquisition, design and construction of a missing section of the waterfront trail. Construction is scheduled for June 1, 2006. Funding is not secure.

5. The Scenic Heights trail head for the Oak Harbor bay trail. The $227,000 project will include construction of a trail head, parking area and an information kiosk. The project is scheduled to start June 1, 2006. It will be funded with $200,000 in federal and $27,000 in city funds, if the federal grant is secured.

6. N. Oak Harbor Street improvements. The $1.8 million project includes right-of-way acquisition, sidewalks, pavement, a bike bath and a bus stop from Whidbey Avenue to NW Crosby. The work, which is scheduled to begin Jan. 1, 2006, will be funded with $1.3 million in state fund and $500,000 in city money.

7. NE Seventh Avenue / N. Oak Harbor Street intersection improvements. The $365,000 growth-related project will improve safety. It will be funded with $138,000 in federal and $227,000 in city funds. It is scheduled to start Jan. 1, 2006.

8. SW Barrington Drive extension. The $706,000 project will connect the two parts of the road, from SW Erie Street to SW Fairhaven Drive. The growth-related work will be funded with $605,000 in federal, $28,000 in state and $73,000 in local funds. A construction date is not set.

9. Arterial sidewalk, phase 2. The $284,000 project will complete missing gaps of sidewalks on Oak Harbor Street and various other locations. The work is supposed to begin Jan. 1, 2006. It will be funded with $242,000 in federal and $42,000 in city funds.

10. Highway 20 improvements, from SW Swantown to SE Cabot Drive. The $8 million project is scheduled to begin June 1, 2009. Funding has not been secured.