Feedback: Fight WEAN all the way

I want them to fight WEAN tooth and nail

I hope the commissioners go all the way. I want them to fight WEAN tooth and nail. I want them to fight WEAN this time and every time. I want them to challenge the GMA and its takings as unconstitutional, even if it means going to the U.S. Supreme Court. Rah! team fight. Why do you ask? Because I think that WEAN is an extremist cause, which aims are utopian. Their exclusionist views of the environment is sacrosanct, and any who don’t conform are declared heretic and will be treated as such.

Well, this heretic has had enough. I don’t think we need their utopian world, and ballot-box results would seem to be on my side. Their ideas cannot win at the polls so they play political gamesmanship with the patience of a saint. It’s the only way they can advance their agenda. They are very very good at using the system, taking one little bite at a time, either in the courts or the legislature. They do their homework and file lawsuits (usually drafted by members of their own organization at little or no cost to them) and cause government at any level to respond at great cost.

Time after time they keep it up – one little piece and then the next, and the next and the next. Sooner or later the voice of reason goes silent under the relentless drumbeat and they win. They know this system works and they stay the course. My real problem with WEAN is that even when they win, it’s not over. There’s always another cause, another restriction, another requirement, or if nothing else, just a “want.”

Well, what I want is the common sense approach espoused by the commissioners and the groups that helped put them together. What I categorically don’t want of even need is WEAN’s world. Is this a great country or what? Pray for our troops.

Scott Smith

Oak Harbor