Weiner on wheels visits school

Kids treated by Oscar Mayer

Students in one Oak Harbor elementary school relished the opportunity to get some special attention from the folks at Oscar Mayer, with a visit from the company’s Weinermobile.

The kids at Hillcrest Elementary School were jazzed up at a pep rally led by the Weinermobile’s crew, Big Dog Dave, Mustardette Nanette, and Ketchup Katie. Aside from the fun and games, the visit was a reward for a contest entry by Shirley Harless’ fourth grade class.

And, the prize has the potential to get much bigger.

Harless’ class got to go out to the Weinermobile after the rally, where they checked out the interior of the big, hot dog-shaped vehicle, named Big Bun.

“It was cool. I liked it,” said fourth-grader Adam Hayes. “I saw relish-colored seats and a weird dashboard. It was shaped like a hot dog.”

Harless’ class videotaped a three-minute commercial for Oscar Mayer, and sent it into the company as part of the “Talent Search School House Jam” contest. The first 25 schools to enter the contest are treated to a visit by the Weinermobile and its crew. All entries are in the running for a $10,000 prize from Oscar Mayer, to be used in the music education program.

Hillcrest’s entry into the contest was music teacher Maryann Nowicki’s idea. She saw informational materials about the contest.

“It said, ‘Write a commercial for Oscar Mayer and win ten thousand dollars for your school,’ ” Nowicki said Thursday.

Nowicki recruited Harless, a teacher experienced in technology, and Harless videotaped the commercial written and performed by the students under Nowicki’s direction.

While Hillcrest Elementary School’s music department could use the $10,000 prize, the visit from the Weinermobile was a big award for the children.

“This is fun and the kids know they’re winners,” Nowicki said.

Kayla Crawford, 10, said taping the commercial was fun.

“We sang songs,” Crawford said.

Classmate Casey McConaghy, 10, made the connection between the company and one of his favorite foods.

“I eat Lunchables,” McConaghy said. “But I can only have the healthy ones.”

Videotape submission deadline for the contest is April 1. All tapes will be reviewed by an independent talent agency, and winners will be announced in April, said Mustardette Annette.