Union there to protect rights

In response to “Unions protect bad teachers,” Letters, March 31.

Unions protect rights and ensure proper grievance procedures are followed, nothing more nothing less. After 18 years of a perfect record I was falsely accused of using inappropriate guidance techniques. Not child abuse although the accusation was enough to devastate me. I did not have a union to protect me; I didn’t work in a public school. I had to advocate for myself. My fellow teachers, and friends and family stood behind me. Now I am a union steward. Some statistics for those that are interested. My information is from the 2005 report from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Coalition for Child Abuse.

Eighty-four percent of all perpetrators are a child’s parent, or parents. Point seven percent, (.7) of abuse is perpetrated by a collective group of teachers, preschool and daycare teachers and home daycare providers (.4 being female .3 being male).

Reporting child abuse is mandatory for many professionals who care for children. The highest percentage of those that report child maltreatment are those in the education field, totaling 16.1 percent of all reports generated. More then law enforcement and health care professionals. Again the union ensures the teacher’s rights are protected and the proper procedures of the grievance process are followed and a teacher has the opportunity to due process.

Brandy Tucker

Oak Harbor