No action on oil prices

Doesn’t it seem strange when politicians state they’ll do anything to cut the costs of oil prices, and yet . . .

Why hasn’t the federal government lowered speed limits to 55 or 60 to not only reduce fuel consumption, but to also save lives?

Why hasn’t someone mentioned opening up the oil fields in Texas, Oklahoma and California that were closed in the ‘70s because they couldn’t compete with OPEC when they had crude oil priced at $22 to $28 a barrel. It was stated we couldn’t compete for less that $31 a barrel and that caused our oil fields close. 

Doesn’t it seem reasonable to open these fields in order for us to become more self-suficient, be able to dictate our own fuel costs, and to put more Americans back to work with crude oil prices topping $60 a barrel?”

Are the “politicians” really on America’s side? 

Ted Duris

Oak Harbor