When I began reading Al Williams’ “Sound Off” Saturday (“Take your pick, ZPG or FPW), I started laughing, thinking it was a joke. But by the end, it was clear that Mr. Williams meant every single vile word of bigotry that he wrote.
Where does one start with a man like this? I’m not sure I could appeal to basic logic or facts since his college educated self doesn’t even know who the president is, or more poignantly, that Americans are only having 1.8 kids on average already. That’s negative population growth! (It’s only immigration that keeps our numbers up.) So he should be throwing a party right about now, but no kids allowed, of course.
Perhaps the most ridiculous item resulting from his diarrhea of the mouth is that he wants to model our nation after China?! Exactly how are they better than us? By forcing abortions? Silencing the press? Hanging thieves? Distorting the truth? Or is it the massive amounts of wealth being lovingly redistributed to the good workers by the Communist government? Golly, if only America could match such noble goals . . .
Overpopulation is a myth designed to create an even bigger government. Any cursory research from scholarly sources can give you the facts. I like this quote from Jeff Lindsay: “Walk through New York, Calcutta, or Hong Kong and experience the incredible crowding: surely there just isn’t room for all these people. Yes, there are crowded places in the world. There are strong economic and social incentives for people to cluster together. If Manhattan were spread out over the state of Montana, its economic power would be greatly diminished (and a lot of moose would be mugged).”
So Al Williams, take your poisonous words and spew ‘em out to whoever will listen. But I, a college educated woman with three kids and hoping for more, am not buying your garbage, and neither is my husband who serves in the military that protects it.
Ellie Peck
Oak Harbor