Feedback: Morality is personal issue

I would not support a bill that would protect Christians from discrimination.

Jen Osburn (Letters, June 1) has inspired this letter.

First let me say I don’t agree with the Christian lifestyle, but I have plenty of Christian friends. They know how I feel about their decision to be Christian, but we are friends anyway.

I would not support a bill that would protect Christians from discrimination. It is their choice to be Christian, so why should I advocate a bill that would help ensure they are not discriminated against? They know they are choosing a controversial lifestyle and know the risk of inequality and harassment that goes along with it.

With the recent rejection in the Washington State Senate of a bill similar to the one described above, I must side with Jen Osburn when she says, “It is a rejection of special dispensation for a lifestyle choice.”

Okay, let’s put the sarcasm aside. Think about this Jen: Your God judges homosexuals to be sinners. But do homosexuals judge Christians? Why do you let an institution decide for you what is wrong and what is right?

Caitlin Rider

Oak Harbor