Thank you for reelecting me to the Legislature. It is an honor to serve the people of the 10th District. Please know that while I am a proud Republican (an admittedly unfashionable term right now) I am committed to serving every constituent to the best of my ability.
I would like to thank Margarethe Cammermeyer for having the courage to step forward and run a write-in candidacy in my race. I believe it is important for voters to have choices because having too many unopposed elections can lead to voter disenfranchisement as well as less attentive incumbent officeholders.
I would also like to thank Gina Bull who has served as my loyal and trusted Legislative Assistant for the past two years and hopefully for many more. Her willingness to put our district’s interests above all else has significantly contributed to the successes I have had in my first term in Olympia representing you.
Please call me at 279-1365 (my Oak Harbor office) or e-mail me at if you have concerns or issues you would like to let me know about before the next legislative session which starts Jan. 8. After that date please call me at 360-786-7884 in Olympia.
Chris Strow
State Representative