President: Truth needed in a hurry

It is very disturbing to learn that Mr. Bush was not truthful with us about the reason for going to war with Iraq. The reasons he said he gave, change daily.

It is very disturbing to learn that Mr. Bush was not truthful with us about the reason for going to war with Iraq. The reasons he said he gave, change daily. Unlike the myth we heard about George Washington who supposedly could not tell a lie, this president apparently cannot tell the truth.

That Iraq was an “imminent threat to the US” was not true. To add insult to injury, instead of an independent commission appointed by Congress to investigate US intelligence, Mr. Bush has handpicked a committee which includes those involved in Iran-Contra who covered for President Reagan. It is now clear that an arrangement was made back then to withhold the return of American hostages until after the presidential election.

Now Mr. Bush wants to insure that results of this investigation of US intelligence are withheld until after the 2004 election. The British investigation of their war intelligence will present its findings by July 1, 2004. Surely, Americans can do likewise if their is the will to do so. The secrecy of the Bush administration on major foreign and domestic policy issues bodes ill for our democracy. Contact your legislators. We have a right and responsibility to know the truth.

Gina DiLabio
