Highway 20: Slow vehicle lane needed

As RV season approaches, I have a question about plans to remedy a situation on Highway 20, just northwest of Coupeville.

The stretch from Libbey Road to the top of “Sherman Hill” has a long, uphill climb with no lane for slow vehicles on the upslope. However, at the crest of the hill begins a “slow lane” where trucks and RV’s accelerate to outpace the traffic they have kept behind them while climbing the hill. Adjacent to the sign that warns of the slow lane ending is the entrance to a quarry where trucks exit onto the highway and into the southbound slow lane to merge into the accelerating traffic. There are also residential drives along this stretch where cars have to virtually stop traffic to make their turns.

Are there plans to put a slow vehicle lane on the uphill stretch of this road? It would seem to be much more functional than the current merging lane at the top of the hill. Anybody else concerned about this?

Ed Curtin
