“COMMUNITYApplications accepted: For Ropes Challenge Program winter training Feb. 29 through March 12, on Tuesday and Wednesday; Saturday and Sunday. The eight-day training will emphasize all aspects of leading groups of youth and adults on a ropes/challenge course. Trainees can apprentice and become certified to lead courses for the program. Call Ben Gilmore, Program Coordinator, (360) 679-7350 or (360) 321-5111; e-mail bentgil@co.island.wa.us; Web site at www.island.wsu.edu.MONDAY, FEB. 21Oak Harbor collection change: Due to Presidents’ Day, garbage and recycleables usually collected on Monday will be collected on Tuesday. No change in Tuesday’s schedule. Reservation deadline: For Oak Harbor Christian School’s Patrons’ Banquet Feb. 25. Dining, entertainment, and fellowship. Adults only evening. Admission by donation. Call (360) 675-2831 or Joan Boon, (360) 675-2318.WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23Registration deadline: For 4-H Super Saturday, Feb. 26. 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Coupeville Middle School. Open to the public. Selection of 48 classes for youth and adults. Registration 8:30 a.m., Performing Arts Center. $2 per person (without lunch) and includes four class sessions: two morning; two afternoon; $5 with lunch. Includes record keeping, poster making, judging and leadership, class choices include: rubber stamping, driftwood birdhouses, head spinners, candlemaking, playing bunco, bubble prints, magnets, preparing pets for an emergency, story boarding, showing your cat and lots about horses. Brochures and registration forms available at WSU office, 501 NW Haller St., Coupeville. Call (360) 679-7328. SATURDAY, FEB. 26Saturday in the Sideroom: 2 p.m., Island County Museum, Front and Alexander Sts., Coupeville. Whidbey Island woodcarvers demonstrate techniques and methods. Free. Donations accepted; any proceeds will benefit museum. Call (360) 678-3310.TUESDAY, FEB. 29Access Feasibility Study public meeting: Possible alternatives to improving vehicle access to and from North Whidbey Island. 4:30 to 7 p.m., Hayes Hall Room 137, Oak Harbor Library. By Washington State Department of Transportation. Contact Mark Sinden, project manager, (206) 440-4717, 1 (888) 393-7526 Ext 3; e-mail sindenm@wsdot.wa.gov. Web site www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/northwest/planning/planning.htm.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1Access Feasibility Study public meeting: Possible alternatives to improving vehicle access to and from North Whidbey Island. 4:30 to 7 p.m., Coupeville High School Room 104. By Washington State Department of Transportation. Contact Mark Sinden, project manager, (206) 440-4717, 1 (888) 393-7526 Ext 3; e-mail sindenm@wsdot.wa.gov. Web site www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/northwest/planning/planning.htm.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8Island Transit public meeting: 6 p.m., Brookhaven in Langley. Call (800) 240-8747, 678-7771 or (360) 321-6688.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15Application deadline: For $500 V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary Single Parent Education award. Call (360) 675-0070.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22Island Transit public meeting: 6 p.m., Greenbank Progressive Club. Call (800) 240-8747, 678-7771 or (360) 321-6688.TUESDAYSFree clothes distributed: From 9 to 11:30 a.m., Seventh Day Adventist Church. For men, women, and children.TAXESNavy Income Tax Assistance Center: Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Bldg. 126 Room 114 (FASO). Free tax services to active duty members and their families as well as retirees and their families. Federal and state income tax return preparation and electronic filing by IRS-certified volunteers. If spouse does not accompany you, a general power of attorney or IRS power of attorney is needed. 1040EZ and 1040A filers can walk in. Form 1040 filers encouraged to make appointment. Call (360) 257-1246.THROUGH APRIL 15AARP Tax Aide: Free, volunteer-run tax preparation service offered to all taxpayers with middle or low income. Call Joan Wortman, 678-7760 or Dwight Guy, (360) 331-1311. Mondays: 1 to 4 p.m., Oak Harbor Senior Center. Thursdays: 5 to 8 p.m., Oak Harbor Library. Fridays: 1 to 4 p.m., Coupeville Library, special focus on those ages 60 and up.FUND-RAISERSSATURDAY, MARCH 1121st annual Art Auction: Officers’ Club. 6 p.m., preview and silent auction; 7 p.m., live auction. Local artists and galleries featured. $8 at door. Music and hors d’oeuvres. Sponsored by Officers’ Spouse Club. Benefits local charities and scholarships.ONGOINGApplications accepted: For $10 space at Friends of the Coupeville Library book fair April 22. Nonprofit groups, Friends of Libraries, retailers, authors, private sales are invited. Applications at the Coupeville Library. Call (360) 678-4911. Campbell’s Labels for Education: North Whidbey Middle School is collecting Campbells product labels to earn additional educational resources. Eligible products: Campbell’s soups; Pepperidge Farm bread, cookies, and Goldfish crackers; V8 and tomato juices; Prego sauces; Swanson broth and poultry; Foodservice products. CLASSESTUESDAYS, MARCH 2 THROUGH 23Our Bodies, Our Health, Our Wisdom: Four-week class will examine and explore ideas in the book Women’s Body, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup, M.D. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Langley Methodist Church. $40. Call South Whidbey Parks and Recreation, (360) 221-5484.SCHOOLSTHURSDAY, FEB. 17Transition Fair: 6:30-8:30 p.m., North Whidbey Middle School. Learn services that can help special needs students as they progress from elementary school through middle and high school. Sponsored by Oak Harbor School District. Speakers and representatives include Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Catholic Community Services, the Department of Developmental Disabilities, Island Transit, Housing Authority and Service Alternatives. Topics on issues related to guardianship, education, and support services. Call Special Programs, (360) 679-5809.Child Find screening: Oak Harbor School District offers free developmental screening for children birth through 21 years of age. Screening offered for children who may have had difficulty with motor coordination, speech/language development, emotional and/or health difficulties. Students currently enrolled in private schools are also eligible for screening. Call Oak Harbor School District Special Programs Dept., (360) 679-5809. PARENTSTUESDAY, FEB. 22Island County Intercomponent Coordinating Council: 12:45 p.m., Hayes Hall Room 137, Oak Harbor Library. Focus on birth to three years issues. Call Cindy Hopkins, (360) 279-8400.KIDSTUESDAY, FEB. 22High on Life: 5:30-7:30 p.m., Parker Hall, Oak Harbor High School. Carnival activities for children. Admission by donation. Hotdogs and nachos, 50 cents; cotton candy and snow cones, 25 cents; popcorn and juice free. Sponsored by Oak Harbor High School Key Club.WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26Snow tubing at Snoqualmie Pass: For kids ages 6 to 18. Adult supervision. $25 includes transportation, tube, lift ticket. MWR Youth and Teen Center. Call (360) 257-3150.Late Nite Central Family Night Out: 6-7:30 p.m., China City. Middle school aged kids and familly. Free. Space limited. Call (360) 240-1939.ONGOINGFRIDAYS THROUGH MAYFriday Juniors: Youth bowling league for ages 7 to 18. From 4 to 6 p.m., Oak Bowl, 531 S.E. Midway Blvd. Prizes awarded at end of league. Call (360) 279-9739.Kids in Action: Groups meet Mondays and Wednesdays and Tuesdays and Thursdays through June, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the YMCA. Kids develop socialization, shape and numerical recognition, listening, hand/eye coordination, direction following, manual dexterity, perceptual discrimination, small muscle control, color awareness, spatial relationships, conceptual development, and language development skills. $50 per month. Call (360) 675-2771.TUESDAYS THROUGH THURSDAYSAfter School program: From 2:30 to 5 p.m., Roller Barn. For youth in grades six-12. Computer lab, food, arts and crafts, homework study, recreation, mentors/tutors, special classes. Daily sign in and sign out required. Students not allowed to come and go during program. Sponsored by Partnership With Youth. Call (360) 240-9273.FRIDAYS THROUGH JUNEToddlers in Action: Parents and their children ages 18-30 months learn together. From 10 to 11:30 a.m., YMCA. $5 per class; pre-registration required. Space limited to 8. Call (360) 675-2771.SATURDAYSLate Nite Central: From 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., Coupeville High School gym. For grades six through eight. Sponsored by Central Whidbey Youth Coalition. Call (360) 675-4797.REUNIONSOak Harbor High School Class of 1990: Looking for classmates for 10-year reunion. Call (360) 678-6087. Web site at www.geocities.com/heartland/pines/2327.Oak Harbor High School Class of 1980: Looking for classmates for 20-year reunion. Call (360) 658-8860; e-mail juju@oakharbor.net; Web site at www.classmates.com.POLITICALSATURDAY, FEB. 19Town Meeting: 3-4 p.m., Oak Harbor Senior Center. Hosted by State Reps. Kelly Barlean and Doug Ericksen. Barlean will speak on capital budget and operating budget issues. Ericksen will speak to transportation budget issues. Citizens encouraged to bring questions about the current legislative session, or about state government in general.TUESDAY, MARCH 7Republican Precinct Caucuses: By Island County Republican Party. All at 8 p.m. All Oak Harbor and North Whidbey precincts: Oak Harbor High School gym. Central Whidbey (Admiralty, Central, Coupeville 1 & 2, Coveland, Prairie and San de Fuca): Commissioners’ Hearing Room, 1 N.E. Sixth St., Coupeville. Greenbank and Lagoon Point: Greenbank Progressive Hall, Greenbank. South Whidbey (Clinton, Freeland, Langley 1 & 2, Lone Lake, Sandy Point, Saratoga, Austin, Bush Point, Deer Lake, Double Bluff, Glendale, Possession, Maxwelton, Useless Bay): Senior Center, 14594 SR 525, Langley. Camano Island (Camano, Country Club, Driftwood, Livingston Bay, Maple Grove, Triangle Cove, Utsalady, Point Allen): Camaloch Country Club A-Frame; Madrona Precinct at Madrona Fire Station; Mabana Precinct, 2215 Harnden Loop.HEALTHWEDNESDAYS Walk-in blood pressure and immunization clinic: Island County Health Department clinics are held every Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m., at the North Whidbey Family Resource Center, 1791 N.E. First Ave. Call (360) 679-7351.ONGOINGFree Women’s Health exams: Comprehensive women’s health exams, including Pap tests, are free to all low income Island County women who are 40 years of age or over, and do not have health insurance that pays for this service. Mammograms are available for women over 50 years of age. For information and eligibility screening, call Island County Health Department at (360) 679-7351, ext. 579; (360) 321-5111, ext. 579; or (360) 629-4522, ext. 579.GARDENSATURDAY, FEB. 19Lord’s Garden Clean Up Day: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., across from Gallery Golf Course. Come clean up the 12-acre garden. Non-denominational, non-profit, volunteer organization that grows and harvests fresh produce for local food banks and organizations in and around North Whidbey Island.THURSDAY, FEB. 24Master Gardeners: 7:45-8:45 p.m., Fire Station No. 25, 215 E. Race Road, Coupeville. Speakers: Ward Beebe and Leslie Johnson. Call (360) 679-7327 ext. 5527.MARCH 2 & 23Hands-on-Horticulture: From 9 a.m. to noon, Meerkerk Gardens. Learn more about gardening from Master Gardeners. SATURDAY, MARCH 4Whidbey Gardening Workshop: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Coupeville Middle School. More than 20 gardening classes. Rhododendron sale 10-11:30 a.m. Special speaker: Ciscoe Morris. $15 advance; $12 seniors; $20 at door. Sponsored by Master Gardeners. Call (360) 679-7327 or (360) 321-5111 ext. 5527. Web site at www.island.wsu.edu/wgw.htm.THROUGH MARCH 6Preorders taken: For Skagit and Whidbey Conservation Districts’ Native Tree and Plant Sale. Proceeds benefit districts’ educational programs, Arbor Day and Earth Day events, Treeture program and staff support to local schools. Sale held March 17 and 18 and April 15, Lynn Brown Plant Materials Center, 16564 Bradley Road, Bow. Call (360) 428-4131. Web site at www.skagitcd.org.SATURDAYS, MARCH 11 & APRIL 8Meerkerk work parties: Meet at 8:45 a.m., volunteer cottage. Potluck at noon. Feb. projects: Feeding rhododendrons, potting rhododendron cuttings and labeling and pruning deadwood. March projects: final clean up of the grounds and getting ready for Spring. Opening sale March 18.TUESDAY, MARCH 14Oak Harbor Garden Club: Meets 9:45 a.m., IOOF Hall, 721 S.E. Barrington Avenue. Programs: What’s New in Dwarf Conifers by Ken Lauhon; Wildflower Havens by Anita Smythe; Roses and Fascinating Facts About Them, by Tina Weekly of Crescent Moon Gardens. Call (360) 675-9167 or (360) 679-9139.ONGOINGGarden Tour tickets available: Tour six of Whidbey Island’s private gardens Saturday, July 22, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are limited; advance purchase strongly advised. $15 for adults; $10 for children under 12. Write: P.O. Box 164, Freeland, 98249. After June 1, call (360) 678-6105 for additional ticket outlets. E-mail wigt@whidbey.net.LIBRARY THURSDAY, FEB. 24Human Performance and Chiropractic: By Dr. Milton Steele, 7 p.m., Coupeville Library. Information on health, human performance and chiropractic. Sponsored by the Friends of the Coupeville Library. All welcome.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 Coupeville Literary Society: 7 p.m., Coupeville Library. Active book discussion group. Bring your personal choice favorite for discussion.THURSDAY, MARCH 16Friends of Coupeville Library: 7 p.m., Coupeville Library. Program: Whidbey Island’s Maritime Heritage by Roger Sherman, local historian. Historical slide presentation of Whidbey Island. Areas included will be the explorers, Ebey’s Landing, Admirality Head Lighthouse, and shipwrecks. If you have a topic of interest to the public, call (360) 678-4911 to schedule a presentation.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22Whale Tales: 2:30 p.m, Coupeville Library. Stories, songs, and fun facts about whales. For ages 5 to 12 and preschoolers if accompanied by an adult.FRIDAYS THROUGH MARCH 31Preschool Storytime: For 2 to 5-year olds. 10 a.m., Coupeville Library. Stories include teddy bears, polar bears, birthdays and valentines. Learn a new word in sign language each week.FRIDAYS THROUGH MAY 12Preschool Storytime: Stories, songs, and activities for 3- to 5-year-olds and their grown-ups. Two sessions: 10 and 11 a.m., Oak Harbor Library. No registration required. Call (360) 675-5115. MILITARY ONGOING On-line Selective Service registration: For all male, U.S. citizens, ages 18 through 25, with valid Social Security numbers. Applications accepted weekdays between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Go to www.sss.gov click on Register Now, type in registration information and click Submit button to receive Selective Service number. Formal acknowledgement postcard via mail received within two weeks. OVER 50 TUESDAY, MARCH 14How to organize your estate plan class: 7-9 p.m., South Whidbey Community School. By Jane Seymour, attorney. Topics: wills vs. trusts; relevant estate tax laws; durable powers of attornery; gift planning; planning for long term care; probate; health care directives; Medicare planning; community property agreements; asset management/impact; what to do when a loved one dies – step by step guide. Call (360) 675-2732.ONGOINGOak Harbor Senior Center Membership drive: $15 a year, open to people at least 50 years old. Call (360) 679-6620, or join at the Center, 51 S.E. Jerome St., Oak Harbor.SPECIAL INTEREST FRIDAY, FEB. 25Balkan dance and music: From 7:45 to 10 p.m., Bayview Hall. No partner necessary. Part of series sponsored by South Whidbey International Folkdancers. $6. Live music by Folkdance. Call (360) 221-5484 or (360) 221-2994.MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BEGINNING FEB. 28Boating Skills and Seamanship classes: 13-week series, meets from 7 to 9 p.m., Anacortes Fidalgo Center, 1701 22nd St., Anacortes. Classes are free; books and materials cost $32. Call (360) 293-9300, (360) 293-2795, or (360) 299-2185.MARCH 6 THROUGH APRIL 26Beach Watcher training: 100 hours of training, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Fire Station No. 5, 215 E. Race Rd., Coupeville. Training focuses on water quality; classes include global warming, agriculture, forestry, waste reduction and wildlife, as well as beach monitoring, groundwater, watersheds, marine biology and oceanography. Training is free; minimum 50 hours of volunteer service required. Applications available at WSU offices Coupeville. Call (360) 679-7391 or (360) 321-5111, Ext. 7391.MARCH 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31 & APRIL 1Hunter Education Class: For first-time hunters and those that wish a review. Held in Anacortes. Must attend all classes to receive a hunter education certificate. Students under 12 must have a parent/guardian in attendance at all sessions. All students must prove they can safely shoulder and safely aim a firearm on the first night of class. Washington requires all first-time hunters born after Jan. 1, 1972 to successfully complete a hunter education class in order to purchase a hunting license. Students receive instruction in firearm safety, wildlife conservation and sportsmanship. Advanced registration required. Call Anacortes Parks and Recreation (360) 293-1918 or (360) 293-7356.MONDAYS THROUGH MID-JUNEDandy Handi’s Bowling League: For anyone with a disability. 12-week league plays Mondays through mid-June. Play weekly from 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at Oak Bowl, 531 S.E. Midway Blvd. $5 includes two games and shoes. Wheelchair ramp available. Call Peggy Callister, (360) 240-9140 or e-mail nuts@whidbey.net.OUTDOORSTUESDAY, FEB. 29Audubon field trip: Leap Year Special. Meet 9 a.m. Monroe Landing for half day trip. Leader: Dick Knoke, (360) 678-3703. Bad weather may cancel, call leader.CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONSSATURDAY, FEB. 19New York Connection: 6 p.m. potluck, Harbor View Mobile Park recreation hall. Call (360) 675-8393.SUNDAY, FEB. 20Guam Society: 1:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall. Changed from regular meeting on Feb. 13. Normally meets the second Sunday Knights of Columbus Hall. Call (360) 299-1421 or (360) 675-1459.MONDAY, FEB. 21Quilters on the Rock: 7 p.m., Coupeville Methodist Church. Program: Scottie Dog quilt by Alex Winner. Call Kay Herring, (360) 678-6728.TUESDAY, FEB. 22Eagles Auxiliary: 7 p.m., interWest Bank, 5588 Harbor Ave., Freeland. Initiation of new members. Call (360) 730-2965.Skagit Valley Genealogical Society: 7 p.m., Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, 1511 E. Broadway. Speaker: Sereta Williams on the Family History Center. Call (360) 428-5020; e-mail bainter@ncia.com.FRIDAY, FEB. 25Daughters of Pioneers of Washington: Noon, home of Isobel Grube in Mount Vernon. Call (360) 678-4089.MONDAY, FEB. 28Beta Sigma Phi Council: 7:30 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 555 SE Regatta Dr.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1Whidbey Hand Knitters: 7-9 p.m., Coupeville Yarn Shop. Program: Toe-To-Top socks. Call (360) 678-4271.SATURDAY, MARCH 4Old Car Breakfast Club: Meets at 9 a.m., Captain’s Galley, 10 Front St., Coupevlle. Visit private vintage auto and Americana collection in Sedro-Woolley after breakfast. Share knowledge and skills relating to history, preservation, restoration, and operation of vintage automobiles. Call (360) 678-3104.THURSDAY, MARCH 9Christian Women’s Club: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., CPO Club. $7.50 inclusive. Nursery available. Call (360) 675-5053 or (360) 675-9724.ONGOINGBook group: Looking for committed readers. Call (360) 675-7758 or (360) 679-7257.WISE Investment Club: Has room for one new member. Club meets second Tuesdays at Summerhill at 6:30 p.m. Call (360) 675-1641.SUPPORTWEDNESDAY, MARCH 1Living With Cancer support group: Meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Whidbey General Hospital boardroom. For people living with cancer, their friends and family. Supportive Therapies: Attending to the Body is Good for the Soul. ONGOINGOvereaters Anonymous: New group forming in South Whidbey.12-step program for men and women who meet to share experiences, strength and hope to solve their common problem and help others. Call (360) 730-0520.MONTHLYAutism/PDD Support Group: For parents of children with a diagnosis of autism or a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Share information about educating our children and supporting each other as parents of children with special needs. Call Laura Evans, (360) 679-1995; Teresa Champion, (360) 240-8956 (tchamp@oakharbor.net); or Jeanette Stonecipher, (360) 279-2312.DAILYDisabled American Veterans: Whidbey Island Chapter No. 47, holds counseling sessions, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Building 12, Room 124 on the Seaplane Base. Disabled parking and access on the side of the building. Information for veterans, active duty, widows and the spouses of veterans. No appointments necessary. Call (360) 257-4801.Alcoholics Anonymous: For information, call 1-800-219-8416.MONDAYS(TOPS) Take Off Pounds Sensibly: Weight loss support group meets 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., I.O.O.F. Hall, 721 S.E. Barrington Dr. Call (360) 675-1334 or (360) 678-5658; (360) 675-4866 or (360) 675-3249.Al-Anon and Alateen: Support groups for family and friends who are affected by someone’s drinking. 7:30 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, downstairs classroom, 555 S.E. Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor. Call (360) 679-4943.Overeaters Anonymous: Meet at 7 p.m., Oak Harbor Lutheran Church, 1253 N.W. 2nd Ave., Oak Harbor. No weigh ins or dues. Call (360) 279-0418 or (360) 679-2261.TUESDAYSDrug and Alcohol Addictions Christian Support Group: Meets at 7 p.m., First Baptist Church Annex Room 6, 1780 S.E. 4th Ave., Oak Harbor. Call (360) 240-8560.SECOND TUESDAYHepatitis C Support Group: Meets at 7 p.m., Whidbey General Hospital. Call (360) 678-6095. FOURTH TUESDAYCompassionate Friends: Self-help support group for families who have experienced the death of a child, meets at 7 p.m. at the Coupeville Methodist Church. Call (360) 679-9555 or (360) 675-4225.WEDNESDAYDisabled American Veterans: Whidbey Island Chapter No. 47 is available for counseling session at the Oak Harbor Senior Center on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 1 to 4 p.m. Call (360) 679-6622 to schedule an appointment.Narcotics Anonymous: Meets at Knights of Columbus Hall, 3259 N. Goldie Rd., 8 p.m. Call (360) 428-7171.SECOND WEDNESDAYGirl Scout Totem Council Leaders: Meet, 7 p.m., Scout Haven, N.E. 4th St., Oak Harbor. Call (360) 679-2722.THIRD WEDNESDAYYoung Parents Support Group: Teen and early 20s moms meet for activities, parenting information and conversation meets at 6 p.m. at Moving and Grooving. Call (360) 679-4653.THURSDAYCADA Sexual Assault Support Group: For anyone who has ever been sexually assaulted. Group led by a trained sexual assault counselor. Meets at CADA Community Resource Center. Call Melissa Handley or Kristin Dingess at (360) 675-CADA (2232).FRIDAYWidow Support: Widowed men and women visit from 10 a.m. to noon at 5036 50 N.W. St., Room 103, in the Plaza 200 building.THIRD FRIDAYStroke Support: Meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Whidbey General Hospital Conference Room A & B. Call (360) 678-7619.FIRST SATURDAYLow Vision Support Group: Meets at 1 p.m. at Summerhill, third floor. The group is for people with vision loss due to macular degeneration or other conditions that cause low vision or legal blindness. The group meets the first Saturday of each month. Call Lou Griesinger, (360) 675-7810.THIRD SATURDAYMultiple Sclerosis Support Group: Meets at 2 p.m. at Whidbey General Hospital, conference room A. Call (360) 679-3676 or (360) 679-3620.ONGOINGWhidbey Island Down Syndrome Parents Association: Call (360) 675-6670.”
Whidbey Community Calendar
For February and March