Community: DUI device adds to problem

I just read the letter (News-Times, Oct. 9) written by Derek Knudsen regarding “Road Safety: Give sailors DUI device.” I cannot believe what a crock his letter was.

I just read the letter (News-Times, Oct. 9) written by Derek Knudsen regarding “Road Safety: Give sailors DUI device.” I cannot believe what a crock his letter was. I have this to say to Mr. Knudsen, “Instead of encouraging sailors to drink and make it easy for them to not get DUI’s, encourage them to be responsible and not drink and drive period. Why should our tax dollars pay for an interlock device just so sailors don’t get a DUI? I believe some people would call the purchase of the interlock device enabling a behavior which is not acceptable anywhere.

If anyone is seriously considering buying such a device, ask that any profits be put towards education. Give the profits to MADD or SADD. Build a new high school or build a park for children to play safely at. I am sure there are many things the majority of citizens of Oak Harbor would rather see their hard earned money pay for, other than your interlock device.

Mr. Knudsen, why don’t you educate yourself regarding alcoholism and the long term effects. Not just on the idiot who drinks and drives, but on the families who suffer their consequences (i.e. growing up in a home where alcohol is prevalent or losing your best friend, brother or sister to an alcohol related incident). I know first hand the effects of alcoholism, and it is not a pretty story to remember or to want anyone else to live through.

Put your money where your mouth is and cough up the cost of even one interlock device ($1,000 per pop).

Personally, I would like to commend the Oak Harbor Police Department, Island County Sheriff, Washington State Troopers and concerned citizens who call in drunk drivers and save maybe just one life, and thanks to the good friends who don’t let their friend drive drunk!

That Mr. Knudsen is an acceptable form of responsibility, one which I will more than gladly put my tax dollars out to pay for.

Lisa Urista

Gaylord, Mich.