As a pet lover I have had many dogs and cats plus various other animals over the years. All of my animals including the cats were maintained on my property. No one else ever had to clean up after my animals. And none of my cats used neighbors’ flower beds as a litter box. People who let their pets roam show little love for their pets and absolutely no regard for other people.
What prompted this letter wasn’t those who walk their dogs on other people’s property and don’t pick up after them, which is extremely inconsiderate. What really pointed out the character of quality of many of our citizens is our City Beach hiking trail. Our city spent many thousands of our tax dollars building that very nice gravel trail from Scenic Heights to City Beach. This trail makes for very nice walking for many of us, if only we didn’t have to dodge all the piles of dog poop left by our very inconsiderate neighbors.
Being a pet lover isn’t enough! Try being a neighbor lover.
Don Hubner
Oak Harbor