I noticed in the News-Times of Jan. 9 where a new police chief from Oklahoma is coming here, partly because the beauty of the Northwest “attracted he and his wife.” The story struck my wife and myself because we too moved here for comparable reasons.
We felt badly about leaving the Midwest, and the large amount of friends we had back there, but hopefully we would find new ones. And no place is really very far away nowadays, computer-wise. Plus, in spite of our present frightening international situations, we have found that the world is full of wonderful people.
We had spent years being aggravated by urban life before we decided to emigrate to the Northwest. Now we’re enthused about our choice of Oak Harbor — a very unique city — though I don’t mean to infer that other parts of our country don’t have their envious points. Still, as far as happiness, we’re delighted with our decision.
At first we were adverse to the big move, but now we could care less. Like it says in a song, “Home is where the heart is.”
L.E. Lewis lives in Oak Harbor.